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  • 14 Votes
    43 Posts
    @grishka @mikedev>The originating server may not know who is part of the group and who is not, and therefore it can't enforce privacy by requiring a signed fetch.In Friendica, group participants are represented by private followers collection, which can be retrieved using signed fetch: I don't see any fundamental difference between FEP-400e and FEP-1b12. The authentication issue, however, is quite important, because without FEP-8b32 the group either doesn't scale or can impersonate anyone.@julian
  • 6 Votes
    6 Posts
    trwnh: Topics can be split In addition to splitting topics, topics or their posts can also be merged into another topic. The UX for this is quite variable; sometimes entire topics can be merged into another, sometimes a certain range of posts within a topic (post 5 .. 10 from 15 posts), and sometimes a selection (post 5 and 10 from 15 posts or just a singular item post 5 from 15 posts). trwnh: Topics exist in a category For #Flarum topics can also not exist in a Category (we call them tags and that extension is optional, like all of our extensions). Even when using a Category, once the Category is deleted, we do not hard delete any topics contained within but unlink them, making them less visible but still existing within the Forum. Regardless, to us, Topics CAN exist in a category, it's not required. trwnh: Users can be followed for posts and topics Users can be messaged directly This sounds as if this is a given, I don't think it's guaranteed in every Forum software. But if can implies optional, then