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  • Quoted posts

    6 Votes
    70 Posts
    Christian StangeC
    @[email protected] said in Quoted posts: One big benefit of this proposed quote post methodology is that it would be a version that Mastodon, et. al. would probably be willing to support. They have valid concerns that people will abuse quote posts to harass others. This proposal mitigates that. It also is useful in non-malicious contexts since people can fix typos and errors in their original post. It's also useful if the person being quoted wants to retract what they said, perhaps because they changed their mind on a topic or found new information. Well, and Mastodon et. al. are free to implement it that way. There is of cause the limitation of the technical solution on the Forum side regarding editing or deleting; but Mastodon is free to implement it as links. In the same way as a Forum solution has to implement it as qoutes, because the context is different. That means that if the forumpost actually becomes edited or deleted, Mastodon will delete it, because the link has disappeared, but if the Mastodon qoute disappears, the qoute stays in the forum, but the link back to source disappear so now it is just a statement witout a source.