I'm an old biddy, retired, interested in science, sci fi, humour, cute animal videos, real ale, good food all the usual stuff
Sadly of late I've become rather political as my Government seems intent on destroying my country & I hate politics
LGBTQ+ ally, atheist/humanist if you're religious that's OK
Religion is like a penis, it's OK to have one & be proud of it
But don't thrust it anywhere without an invite by someone old enough to understand what it is
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Don't put @ twitter.com in your post if you want me to see it
Toots die after 6 months unless I bookmark them so screenshot if you really want to keep my drivel for some unknown reason
40 odd years in IT, Software Dev Eng, IT Manager, Self Employed IT Spod, Oh & spent a year as a security guard when the company I was IT manager in went bump
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Zeta Ophiuchi crashing through a dust cloud ... really it's my eye & I'm watching you