My home town used to put lights all over their waterfront, with cool moving light shows and stuff, it was something i really enjoyed as a kid and got us out and walking by the water in winter. I haven’t seen them do it to the same scale as when i was a kid for many years. It used to be dozens of displays, now there are just a few trees that get lights. I wonder if people not wanting to leave their cars influenced it. Soon the santa parade will be stationary and we can all just drive past it at this rate.
Ontario family selling house over new Christmas lights bylaw -
Preventing child sex abuse must involve treating pedophiles, even past offenders, say experts - CBC RadioI think both denfitionally and opportunistic child molesters should be treated the same, probably with some kind of sentencing and therapy/rehabilitation. Regardless if it is fetish or not, just the fact they’d touch a kid makes their actions wrong. I also fear if we seperate them too much, normal pedophiles might be able to avoid sentencing/treatment by arguing they were oppourtunistic and vice versa, depending which group is set to face harsher punishments.
Plus, the opportunistic ones may still have some kind of rape/molestation fantasies, which could be treated through similar processes as treating pedophiles.
I just don’t see the value in making hard lines between the two groups when the actions they do are the same and carry the same harm, just the motives are different.
Update on negotiations with the Canadian Union of Postal WorkersI could see that being enough to live off if you already paid off a mortgage or have low rent from being there a long time, or have a partner working as well.
Preventing child sex abuse must involve treating pedophiles, even past offenders, say experts - CBC RadioMolesting a kid is molesting a kid, your motives don’t really change what happened. It is just as wrong regardless if it was out of convenience or premeditated. If you’re willing to molest a child, you are a pedophile.
Quebec mayor says 'one-size-fits-all' language law isn't right for his town where French is thrivingI live in the sudbury area, which is very mixed between french and english, although nearly anyone who can speak French is also fluent enough in english. I get mail and flyers with both languages. I hear conversations that switch between the two languages mid sentence. The very fabric of this comminity exists with these languages intermixing and I find it sad that Quebec wants to kill that kind of diversity. I completely respect that Quebec wants to protect its French identify, but this seems a little extreme with a 50% or higher multilanguage barrier. Even the very french towns nearby won’t judge you for being english and will still welcome you to their town/home/business, we should be encouraging and celebrating our diversity, it is what built the nation we live in.
Ontario planning experts slam Ford's war on bike lanesI think they made “multi use pathways” follow the same new rules so even this won’t save them
Would you pay to see a family doctor faster? Quebecers are, and critics are worriedI wonder how much extra money is wasted on the beauracracy of making healthcare harder to access. We should really just have a nationalized system.
Ontario family selling house over new Christmas lights bylawI think them using cars as portable heat sources highlights the car centric part of our culture. We would rather drive what is basically a private living room and view the attraction in that thing.
Ontario family selling house over new Christmas lights bylawThe lanes weren’t the best but they are way better than nothing. Everything must be car accessible here, no exceptions. Cars must always get prioirty. It really is so vastly different you really have to experience it to understand. Standing next to one stroad makes you really ask “how the hell is this the best way to build the majority of places in this country?”
Most of our transit is hourly bus service that is late from the poor roadway network. Most of our stops don’t even have shelters. Trams don’t have prioirty at lights. It’s all so backwards.
Ontario family selling house over new Christmas lights bylawYea but Canada refuses to build a functional country. Hell we can’t even keep bike lanes installed without drivers feeling attacked.
Ontario family selling house over new Christmas lights bylawAnd really the big problem here is the cars, 20 cars takes up a lot more space than even 60 people. People could even fit on the lawn if space allows. The cars make noise honking and running, they are the ones with bright lights. If everyone got off a bus, watched a show, and walked to the next stop it wouldn’t be nearly as problematic. Perhaps a designated area nearby where cars are expected to park and people and their family could walk to see the show could have been a solution.
Ontario planning experts slam Ford's war on bike lanesThe “bikes right now” stat would be flawed. The “up to” stat that is quoted is less flawed as its the theoretical max and is calculated similarly to theoretical max cars stat.
Ontario planning experts slam Ford's war on bike lanesThe bikes per hours right now is a flawed stat. The system hasn’t been installed long enough to get great use and there are still some areas that are not well connected. It takes a well connected network and some time for cyclists to commit to routes.