Definitely don't ask for it in Spanish!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
"Café negro" (which I've never heard for black coffee) would be "Café solo" or "Café sin leche" (literally, "coffee by itself", or "coffee without milk"). "Café con leche" would be coffee with milk, which definitely is not black coffee.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I think that's regional, maybe to east coast US? Anywhere else I've been in the US "regular coffee" referred to black coffee.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Ok I remembered wrong. It must have been sin leche that they corrected me with. It was a long time ago and I haven't spoke any Spanish since!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
That's not true in most of northern or eastern europe, and arab coffee drinkers traditionally use neither.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
But Starbucks coffee is also burned, but more because the beans are roasted too hard (which makes sense if you're going to pour one espresso into a pint of milk, but it sucks if you drink it without milk).
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The coffee isn't burned (at least if you order espresso), the beans are, but the beans at the place using the percolator is also using cheap, burnt beans AND burning the coffee with a percolator
Neither is close to ideal coffee, but for me one is far worse
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Now go look in that box of Crayola for the one that's gonna trigger the SJWs to fight against a language because some hillbillies used a word as a slur and now live rent-free in everyone's heads.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
It is indeed
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
should've gotten tea
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
White, please.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I'm in Western Canada. As an example, Tim Horton's calls a regular coffee 1 cream and 1 sugar nationally.
But, I was only pointing this out because it's funny considering the point the comic is trying to make.
CarrotsHaveEarsreplied to [email protected] last edited by
El americano es negro.🤨
[email protected]replied to Alabaster_Mango last edited by
My in-law makes cowboy coffee in a great big kettle on the stove when all the kids arrive for the holidays and it's actually some of the best coffee I've ever had. What trips me out is that he drinks crappy pod coffee the rest of the year.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Bartin Luther Ming
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Its also not true in the US. At least not anywhere I've lived or traveled to.
in france "un café" is an espresso.
if i was served a "filter coffee" somewhere, i would never go back there. Who serves filter coffee ffs!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I appreciate your takes on these things. It always gives me a huge boost of self confidence.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Interesting, didn't know that it was Canada too. None of those options are available to me in the Midwest US. And agree! Definitely think it's funny to point out, I just was giving more context because I (incorrectly) thought it was only "regular" in a small region.
[email protected]replied to CarrotsHaveEars last edited by
Paparo Americano