Yesterday, I did *not* install a new baseboard thermostat when I realized I wasn’t sure what all the wires did.
Yesterday, I did *not* install a new baseboard thermostat when I realized I wasn’t sure what all the wires did. I spent nearly two hours figuring out I did NOT know enough.
I bought a different thermostat today that correctly described the wiring connection, and either I had the wrong one yesterday or had a bad wiring diagram for 240V.
Installed the new one and got it on HomeKit in < 10 minutes. Patience, rewarded! (And no need to call an emergency electrician.)
@glennf Did you do the subsidized Mysa SCL has been promoting?
@ultranurd i did not as i already got one subsidy for our main thermostat. Going to check now whether i can get another ! Thanks!
@ultranurd Interestingly, Amazon has it for ~$40 more but I've already installed mine. So I could do the rebate version ($83 versus $120) then return the one sent to me to Amazon, but that seems wasteful and vaguely wrong! eBay lists the same unit in new condition for ~$70-$90! Ah, well. But I wanted it quickly as the heat wasn't working in the guest room our older kid is staying in…
@glennf We got the mini-split one and have been mostly happy, but similarly feels wasteful replacing the digital but not-smart ones currently installed.
@ultranurd oh our old one broke. But I meant buying a rebate version of the smart one and then returning it to Amazon or something similar! I think we’ll stick with what worked! This reminds me a check before I buy something next time, though!
@glennf Oh yes, my "similarly" was trying too hard, meant in motivation if not sameness.