Since I shared a few days ago that I have not been active here as I dealt with the imminent death of my brother, I thought I'd share now – at the risk of too much sharing – that my brother died this morning.
wendinoakland holiday editionreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy I hope you’re okay. Thanks for sharing your relationship with us. Loss isn’t ever easy.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Mastodon Migration last edited by
@mastodonmigration Thank you so much. Yes, family relationships never quite reach the artifical ideals that so many institutions have laid down for them, do they? And, somehow, we still work to find love for each other in the midst of the less than ideal. My former sister-in-law is a real role model to me in that regard.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Greengordon last edited by
@Greengordon Thank you so much for telling me what I wrote was worthwhile.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Democracy Matters :verified: last edited by
@DemocracyMattersALot I'm very grateful to you for the sympathy and also affirmation of what I say in my tribute.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Muro deGrizeco :toad: last edited by
@murodegrizeco Thank you. I am very grateful to you.
@DebR Thank you so much. I'm very grateful and pleased to know that what I wrote is worthwhile.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Barbara Monaco last edited by
@Barbramon1 Thank you — yes, losing siblings is never easy, and when they're younger, something in us grieves even more. I'm grateful to you.
@TheresaReason Thank you so much. I appreciate knowing that my memoriam is worthwhile.
@eshome Thank you — I'm grateful, indeed.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to JeniParsons last edited by
@JeniParsons Thank you so much.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to ItsDoctorNotMrs last edited by
@northernlights Thank you. I'm very grateful to you.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Sensible Crone last edited by
@susiemagoo Thank you for telling me this wasn't too much and for your kind sympathies.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Zhi Zhu 🕸️ last edited by
@ZhiZhu Thank you so much. I'm very grateful to you.
JeniParsonsreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy your words are very beautiful
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Stephen Rockower MD last edited by
@DrBonesMD Thank you very much. I'm grateful, indeed.
@Bodling Thank you so much. Yes, in so many ways, losing loved ones becomes harder and not easier as we go through our lives, doesn't it?
@shonin Thank you so much.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to EarthMomma last edited by
@LaNaehForaday Thank you so much. My brother was indeed a light that burned bright. I always admired his determination to live his life fully, and will miss him very much now.
MooMoo the Catreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by