Hallo #38C3, es scheint als ob es im Gebäde vermehrt GPS-Spoofing geben könnte.
Hallo #38C3, es scheint als ob es im Gebäde vermehrt GPS-Spoofing geben könnte. Das könnte unter anderem die Uhren eurer Telefone verstellen. Wenn ihr eure Telefone z.B. als Wecker oder Medikamenten-Timer benutzt, könnte das doof sein.
Sollten Menschen mitlesen, die mit Spoofing-Sendern dieser Art experimentieren: Überlegt doch bitte, ob ihr wollt, dass Menschen aufgrund dieser Experimente möglicherweise wichtige Medikamenteneinnahmen verpassen, und ob das "excellent to each other" ist.
Hello #38C3, it seems as if there might be some GPS spoofing going on in the building. This might change the clocks of your phones. If you use your phones as alarm clocks or medication timers, that might be a problem.
If you read this and experiment with spoofing broadcasts of this kind: Please consider if you're cool with people potentially missing important medications due to these experiments, and whether you think that's "excellent to each other".
@tobiasgies is it really GPS spoofing? I talked to someone yesterday who observed that the phone would go into the wrong timezone when connecting to the wifi.
Abdelkader Bouireplied to hanno last edited by [email protected]
@hanno You are right. It is not GPS spoofing. Someone is sending Wifi SSIDs, e.g., using a cheap ESP32, from a different location and as most modern smartphones use WiFi to improve the location accuracy, they fall into this trap. You can confirm this yourself. Disable WiFi on your device and it will get the correct location. @tobiasgies