an underrated benefit of living in a city with a pretty strong local news industry is having solid and thorough reporting on the candidates in state/municipal elections.
an underrated benefit of living in a city with a pretty strong local news industry is having solid and thorough reporting on the candidates in state/municipal elections. it's much easier to know about them living here than it ever was in any suburb i've lived in.
Nicolas Wardreplied to liz ten eleven :tacobelllabs: last edited by
@selectric Spoiled by The Stranger Election Control Board
@ultranurd @selectric I taught my roommate about them this year, this household basically votes a straight Stranger ticket.
liz ten eleven :tacobelllabs:replied to ✨pencilears✨ last edited by
@pencilears @ultranurd i like to cross-ref with the urbanist and the seattle medium too, but tbh, for as long as i've lived here at least, a straight stranger ticket is far from the worst strategy
Nicolas Wardreplied to liz ten eleven :tacobelllabs: last edited by
@selectric @pencilears I usually go through the guide myself but almost always land on the same as them. Maybe one exception for when I've met like council candidates at event and been convinced when it's down to multiple pretty progressive primary candidates.