Avatar is about capitalism
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[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Oh, they got whales? Let’s take their brain oil for eternal life!
The realization that we probably wouldn't change how we are make me a bit glad we missed the chance to be a spacefaring civilization and are screwed here. The universe didn't need that, one planet ruined is enough.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Don’t forget about the part from the intro (might have been cut from the theatrical release):
They can fix a spine, if you have the money. But not from a VA check. Add $5 and you get yourself a cup of coffee.
The factory must grow
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The take on immortality in Avatar 2 is really interesting, because both sides get to have it.
::: spoiler spoiler
But on one side of the fence, you've got a familial connection that echoes through eternity with the spirits of one's family forever surrounding you and offering guidance.On the other side of the fence you just have Eternal Employment, in which your immortal mind is a captive instrument for the profit of your masters.
One is this transcendent euphoric existence and the other is an allusion to hell itself.
::: -
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I'm torn, because there's an idea that industrial capital only knows how to consume and destroy what it touches. And there's ample evidence to that effect.
But there's this other more naive notion that life never changes, species don't compete for habitat, and doing anything to alter the local ecology is this unforgivable sin. This, despite the fact that everything in the area is itself a product of eons of speciation and evolution and carnivorization.
The impulse to preserve has to be balanced with the expectation for change. The goal should be symbiosis, not stasis.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Me landing on Gleba.
The factory must grow.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
That’s just Evil, if we build an industrial park there where will the
slavesforced laborwork bit*hes*Due to recent very public events our Public relations officer has been sent on leave with pay instead Nataly will complete this statement.
That’s just Evil, if we build an industrial park there where will the (Checks Notes) Employees park there cars?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
- Jack Handey
I feel so bad cutting trees and draining lakes
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The issue is that you're changing the ecosystems and environments so much that all those eons of evolution are simply lost. The only other times this happens is during natural catastrophes. Sure, in the long run this allows new life forms to take the old ones places, but it's still a massive loss of diversity and evolutionary knowledge - and unnecessary suffering for millions of living beings.
When species compete for a habitat, they rarely destroy it - and those species that do either don't survive for long, or they wipe out large swaths. We're actively killing almost anything in our habitats, and destroying them for almost all previous species.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Does this imply communism wouldn't extract resources?
But your corporate overlords demand it, sadness isn't efficient, get back to work!
But really they did a great job with commentary. People still say "why can't we get green energy in the game?". Because that's not the point. This is raw capitalism. You're dropped on a pristine planet, destroy the environment, clear it of all natural resources. It's &meant_ to make you feel guilty. Maybe look around outside
I've found peace recently thinking about our blue planet. We may cause chaos for a bit, but in the grand scheme, it'll be fine. The rivers will run, the oceans will be blue, plants and animals will eventually, over tens of thousands of years and longer will be fine.
Humanity is fucked, we destroyed our chances because we as a society could never get over our greed, but the problems we cause will be temporary. Over time the planet itself will heal. We just won't be here for it.
That being said, it's why I'm choosing not to have kids.
I like to describe the aliens that attack you in factorio as environmentalists.