If you think that it's clever to make radio buttons look like buttons because of accESsiBILiTY, let me tell you that it's not.
If you think that it's clever to make radio buttons look like buttons because of accESsiBILiTY, let me tell you that it's not. It's confusing af for screen reader and keyboard users.
Manuel Matuzovićreplied to Manuel Matuzović on last edited by
I've shared this post a hundred times but it explains the problem well.
Manuel Matuzovićreplied to Manuel Matuzović on last edited by [email protected]
Also, `display: none` is not how you hide a radio button only visually.
@matuzo Well, it is. But it’s then hidden for everyone.
Can I interest you in a radio button nested inside a button for visual purposes?
@yatil added "only"
I'm intrigued! I get button in link or link in button all the time but I've never seen a radio button inside a button!
Nicolas Hoizeyreplied to Manuel Matuzović on last edited by
@matuzo do you mean like these?
Angular SelectButton Component
SelectButton is used to choose single or multiple items from a list using buttons.
Manuel Matuzovićreplied to Nicolas Hoizey on last edited by
@nhoizey They're using buttons!
@matuzo these for example? https://mui.com/material-ui/react-toggle-button/
@julienw No, that are actual `<button>`s.