Mastery of HTML
Here is an old archive that never got updated after I got my own domain.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Or hear me out, nobody should give random credit to any framework for no reason whatsoever
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
JSX is a language, not a framework…
Thats dope
Very nice.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
How much?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
When can I start, work is a joke to me and I can figure anything out quickly.
Lol. As a hiring manager, I’ve hired people who am said almost exactly this, as long as they had a public project portfolio that provided evidence to back up the claim.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
IRC and ICQ chat rooms here. Then MMOs after. I don’t type correctly(as in, finger positions etc), but I do type quickly.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
ool</marquee><marquee>cool cool c
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
UGH you’re just like my sister then! See I played runescape after taking a typing class in elementary school, so in class I got like 5 wpm, then over a summer of doing nothing but playing rune scape whenever I was able (usually by staying up late after everyone went to sleep) I got up to 25, and it just kept getting faster over the years as I kept playing other online game.
My older sisters didn’t have typing classes before they started doing IM chat rooms and stuff though. So my sister somehow types at 90 WPM by doing this cursed 2 finger chicken peck thing. She types way faster than me by just using 2 fingers on each hand and it always confuses the heck outta me.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Poor girl lost all her teeth.
️ F
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Next year or so
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
My earliest experiences of computer networking were due to wanting to host multiplayer gaming sessions with friends. Things did not “just work” back then.
I’m guessing they don’t know what the Pain Olympics are, and interpreted it as a poetic description of the technical trials and tribulations of using the old Internet.
Competitive Live Leak
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
MMOs are the reasons that my typing style involves my left hand covering 60-70% of the keyboard and my right hand getting the remaining 30-40% that I can’t easily reach.
Only need to bring in the mouse hand of absolutely necessary!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I’m an open book when it comes to stuff like that. I’d 100% tell a prospective employer that an old goofy anime website was what kicked off my web dev career.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I’m not gonna show my boss my fan fiction.