Mastery of HTML
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I learnt HTML and JS by viewing the source code of major sites like Yahoo (this was in the early 2000s so CSS wasn’t extremely widespread yet). That’s practically impossible these days due to how much bulkier sites have gotten. Back then, HTML and JS were simple, unminified, and easy to understand.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Super good point!
Now you can’t even read a blog’s html to understand what it is doing, as it’s being hosted by a website builder doing 2 billion weird things most likely.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
You just gave me horrible flashbacks of Dreamweaver.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
My website-making days also were my graphic-design-school days, so while they could be a little on the weird side I at least tried to make them clean, readable, and aesthetically non-hazardous. Well, apart from that one wonder that wouldn’t look right on Netscape.
It was great to be able to do this entirely by hand and still end up with something no worse than professional sites in appearance. (And there weren’t yet a bazillion laws and regulations in my country making it too complicated for an undermotivated single private individual to attempt to stay compliant)
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I made an entire syllabus for my high school using on mouse over effects and drop downs with course descriptions, prerequisites and mappings for all future courses/paths. That was around 2005 or 2006. I didnt bother with Dreamweaver because how frustrating it was. Wrote the entire thing by hand using notepad. I don’t even think I did it for a grade, it was just me being so sick of us not having a proper syllabus that you could access online. Just printed copies that would say you need to have this prerequisite, but it didn’t list what page that other course was on so you had to flip around all over to find it and then figure out what prerequisites were needed there. Got so frustrated I just made my own.
When we were going to move into a new place a year later or so my girlfriend at the time and I were trying to figure out what furniture we wanted or how we would want to situate things to fit in our new place. We couldn’t visualize what each other were saying well and know if desks/dressers what not would fit where we wanted. Thus I opened my old web pages, took the blueprint map for the apartment and created a quick drag and drop web page where you could take each item with a name on it and drag it into rooms, place them all where we wanted and then she could play with it and see what didn’t fit side by side due to size, and screen shot what she liked/didn’t like. Having previous projects put together and being able to just copy previous scripts, probably took me 45 mins to throw together. Settled all issues of “that probably won’t fit” and let her play with it when I was at work.
Overkill, possibly… but it was fun at the time (The syllabus took a long ass time, but that had intentions of the school being able to use it off their website to allow students/parents help plan their own futures)
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yeah, that’s how HTML is learnt. Never had to look back at HTML afterwards
I coded HTML for the first time in 2002. So I have 22 years experience. Anyone want to see my ASCII art?
Anyone want to see my ASCII art?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
you scared me for a second got me thinking I should be 40
it’s ok everyone, crisis averted, I’m still in my 30s, parent’s math just sucks
Here is an old archive that never got updated after I got my own domain.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Or hear me out, nobody should give random credit to any framework for no reason whatsoever
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
JSX is a language, not a framework…
Thats dope
Very nice.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
How much?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
When can I start, work is a joke to me and I can figure anything out quickly.
Lol. As a hiring manager, I’ve hired people who am said almost exactly this, as long as they had a public project portfolio that provided evidence to back up the claim.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
IRC and ICQ chat rooms here. Then MMOs after. I don’t type correctly(as in, finger positions etc), but I do type quickly.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
ool</marquee><marquee>cool cool c
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
UGH you’re just like my sister then! See I played runescape after taking a typing class in elementary school, so in class I got like 5 wpm, then over a summer of doing nothing but playing rune scape whenever I was able (usually by staying up late after everyone went to sleep) I got up to 25, and it just kept getting faster over the years as I kept playing other online game.
My older sisters didn’t have typing classes before they started doing IM chat rooms and stuff though. So my sister somehow types at 90 WPM by doing this cursed 2 finger chicken peck thing. She types way faster than me by just using 2 fingers on each hand and it always confuses the heck outta me.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Poor girl lost all her teeth.
️ F