I can't see the topic on category page when I use db.objects.insert
I successfully create 7/new-topic-example page by using the command below, but it is not listed on category page and home page. Is this correct way to insert data?
db.objects.insert({_key:"topic:7","cid":2,"lastposttime":1625553855706,"mainPid":7,"postcount":22,"slug":"7/new-topic-example","tid":7,"timestamp":1625553855705,"title":"new topic example","uid":1,"viewcount":33,"postercount":22})
Many Thanks
Khaled -
The correct way to insert data would be to use the http write API. Doing it via direct db operations is much more complicated than what you did.
The correct way to insert data would be to use the http write API. Doing it via direct db operations is much more complicated than what you did.
The correct way to insert data would be to use the http write API. Doing it via direct db operations is much more complicated than what you did.
@pitaj I successfully post a topic through API.
But I am wondering how I can send multi topic on one requestLike:
{ "cid": 2, "title": "Test topic 1", "content": "1 This is the test topic's content", }, { "cid": 2, "title": "Test topic 2", "content": "2 This is the test topic's content", }
@pitaj I successfully post a topic through API.
But I am wondering how I can send multi topic on one requestLike:
{ "cid": 2, "title": "Test topic 1", "content": "1 This is the test topic's content", }, { "cid": 2, "title": "Test topic 2", "content": "2 This is the test topic's content", }