[nodebb-plugin-cards] Show cards when hovering over user links!
Niceeeeeee nice nice niceeee. +1 You must want all my money huh?
Well you're making all the right plugins man. Keep up the good work!
EDIT: This should be fun styling. -
(woops, posted on my test account by accident)
Haha damn, you're on a roll! Time to bring back plugin weekends so you can take away all our monies
@baris Thanks, added it! I'll wait a bit for some more requests / fixes before pushing 0.0.3.
@psychobunny I only have one more idea for a plugin. Unless we can enter with previously made plugins I'd have no chance
Hitting "reply" on a post while already having a composer open should really add a mention to the current composer instance btw
Doesn't for me, reported here: https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-mentions/issues/28 (quotes work though)
@psychobunny exactly this, quotes work but mentions don't.
That card of yours will look pretty neat when badges are implemented... I'll submit a PR once I get that in
Time for feature requests
@Schamper hey this looks interesting. Is it possible for admin to modify what is going to be dispayed in mention cards in admin control panel? What I mean...I will have a subgroup of users in my forum, and for them it will be valuable if on hover over of their card other users can see information from their profile - reputation count, Full name, website and location.
@julian, @psychobunny it's really easy to add it to every user link, but I didn't want to interfere with the default tooltips
There's probably a way to remove those, I'll look into that.
@meetdilip, @marcos2 Everything that is visible on a users profile page is currently possible. Theme creators can override the template file by overriding
and use any information from the user api. -
You are reading my mind bro :). I was thinking about this too.