So apparently in 1993, Avon (the MLM (not that MLM (or that kind either))) commissioned a Soft Foam Telephone.
It's entirely possible it never worked, and they soldered it together wrong
Foone🏳️⚧️replied to Solarbird :flag_cascadia: last edited by
@moira fortunately there's no traces there (since it's single sided) so that shouldn't cause problems
@ArthurBarbaro it's a pdf doing font weirdness, not html
@diedofheartbreak nah, it's got no way to hang it up, so they made it a on/off switch
So the current plan is:
1. Stick new caps on
2. Test
3. If not work, start yanking components and documenting what they are until I run out of components or find some that are broken -
@foone who been eatin chocolate
@lritter not me! I'm diabetic. some 1992 punk probably was, though
@foone I feel like there was a missed opportunity to make it completely yellow and call it Banana Phoam
@huronbikes they sold this in a lot of varieties (the phone part is the same, they just need to make new foam cases for each license), so it wouldn't surprise me if they did!
@foone yea MLCCs don't really die. You can regenerate them by heating them up, might be worth a try if its that old but unless its precision caps for some analog function I wouldn't suspect them to make the pass or fail difference.
@timonsku yeah. I'm not gonna worry about them unless I can rule out everything else.
@foone I can smell this pcb from here
@mattsains I can't and it's on my desk! I'm anosmic
@foone This particular style of PCB routing seems to be common among really cheap single-layer PCBs. I've been wondering, is there any practical reason for it or is the result of a particular layout software?
@karotte this one might be old enough that they routed it by hand with stencils.
@foone These kinds of boards were usually done using wave soldering.
@plaes I figured this one wasn't because of all the flux residue and inconsistent soldering, but maybe they wave soldered most of it and then touched up some bits by hand?
@foone ...or someone has tried to fiddle with it...
@plaes maybe! But it was in a closed box, I don't think it's been opened since 1993