Hello hello again.
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Lord Kirkhope intervenes, laments again about the fact that, in designing the GDPR, lawmakers failed to take AI into account. But I need to make an intervention here...
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
The GDPR was meant to be technologically neutral and set the rules that future technologies should have complied with in the future (the next 20 years, as the European Commission used to say). While it does not cover all aspects relevant for protecting rights in the field of AI, all GDPR provisions apply for data used by AI systems
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
As it stands now, the GDPR is the single most imprtant legal framework that protects individuals from AI system which are using data wthout their consent, which are using this data unfairly, which are taking or informing decisions that affect peoples' lives or their rights.
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
I would argue, what we should be concerned about is the several provisions in the DUA Bill that would carve out exemptions from data protection obligations for AI companies for the sake of allowing bogged products and business models to survive instead of “evolve or face extinction”. It is not clear why companies who built upon illegal foundations should now be salvaged instead of facing consequences for their failures
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Anyway, other Lords intervened to support the need of a Code of Practice for Edtech. Now Baroness Jones (LAB) intervenes, says it would be premature to put these requirement into law but commits to continue engagement with the ICO and to continue work on this issue
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Clement-Jones (LIBDEM) responds: there are real issues here in the edtech sector. “It's premature” is a red flag, he argues, in these kind of debates
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
I must support the statement above from Clement-Jones: digital technologies have normative power, and edtech providers can choose what data is collected and for what reason, how an individual can interact with it, and what choices, preferences and behaviours are allowed, rewarded, prohibited or punished. The question is never if regulating is needed, but who should be answering these questions: our democratic institutions, or a private edtech provider?
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Of course, the more you delay regulation, the more edtech providers will enforce their own norms and regulations, after which they will present these as the status quo. Delaying regulation favours large technology companies and bad actors, not innovation.
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Lord Holmes now presents an amendment that would change the computer misuse act to protect cybersecurity researchers from unjust prosecution for their work.
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
That's on me that I had completely missed these amendments. They relate to an important issue I engaged with quite some time ago, although in a rather different consultation https://www.openrightsgroup.org/publications/computer-misuse-act-1990-open-rights-group-submission-to-the-home-office/
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
The long story short is: the Computer Misuse Act criminalises violating the security of an IT system regardless of whether this is being done with fraudolent or malicious intent, or with the aim of testing the security of the system and identifying vulnerabilities. In turn, this exposes cybersecurity researchers to the risk of prosecution for carrying out an all too-important public interest job
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Clement-Jones (LIBDEM) now also intervenes in support of such amendment, he argues it is important to introduce such a legal protection for cybersecurity researchers. He says, the UK is currently at a disadvantage against other countries who have updated their cybercrime laws to address this issue
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Clement-Jones also points out to the fact that several industries, the cyberup campaign, academics and other stakeholders have all argued in favour of these changes, which would support innovation and reserach in a sector vital for national security
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Lord Kirkhope also supports these amendments, calls on the Govt to work at a faster speed to address these new technolgy issues, again he mentions AI (in this case, he's undisputably right: changes to the CMA1990 are long overdue, and the UK Govt is clearly lagging behind Europe when it comes to AI regulation)
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
[Anyway streaming is being awfully slow for me, so if I am missing anything in this coverage is usually because I have to reload the page and connect again—turning it off and on for the win)]
Mariano delli Santireplied to Mariano delli Santi last edited by
Anyway from Lord Holmes concluding remarks, I suspect Labur is putting as always their head in the sand, and is not willing to change the Computer Misuse Act at this time
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