Thanksgiving Dinner
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
My mind went to tankies because we’re on lemmy so surely you haven’t missed those. OH .ml, I see…
Don’t forget the group that assumes they know everything about everyone based on their Lemmy instance. Those folks can eat a bag of dicks!
I’d say we’re about 70 million short of there being enough tankies in the US to worry about. Magas on the other hand… So yeah, the racist magats and the rest of us cover all the cases being discussed here.
Former conservative here too. Just wanted to add this for others coming from a conservative background. Maga is not conservative. This is no longer the Republican Party.
Trump was a Democrat for abortion etc and then decided it’s easier to manipulate the right.
The government needs to get out of people’s personal lives. It’s none of their business what healthcare they get or who they marry. What happened to freedom and the pursuit of happiness?
Renewable energy is energy independence and self reliance.
Tariffs are taxes.
Law and order means convicted felons get prison, not becoming immune to crimes.
Every time Republicans are in office there is a recession. Every time Democrats are in office the economy improves.
The US is not allied with Russia.
Free speech and corporate rights means Disney can say they support LGBT rights.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yup they think they are the open minded ones or whomever doesn’t immediately fall down to them and refer to their words as gospel as not open minded or interested in ‘a discussion’.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
My point wasn’t that tankies are more numerous than racists, my point was that “only one group” is not accurate, being that there are “at least two groups.”
Furthermore, being a murderous dickhole is only a problem in sufficient numbers? Well by your logic I guess we don’t have to worry about the KKK then, there’s about 3k of them, which without checking I’m betting is less than grad+bear+ml users.
Sorry, I can’t subscribe to that, murderous dickheads and their ideologies are bad be they one or one billion.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
But, a meme, and not redneck at all.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
LOL you want so bad to have a fight about tankies because I’m on ml so you think that’s something I like to fight about.
I have magas in my family I need to avoid for Thanksgiving. I don’t have any tankies. Neither, I can say with almost complete certainty, do you. Neither are they pictured in OP, because they don’t factor into the dynamic being satirized. In fact, I’m 95% certain no one reading this thread has a tankie in their family they need to try to avoid on Thanksgiving. Nor do they exist in sufficient numbers in the US to impact our nation or its politics in any substantive way. Inserting them in this discussion is a non sequitur at best and a troll at worst.
Please go find a tankie or someone who feels like defending them for the argument you want so badly to have.
Don’t forget the group that assumes they know everything about everyone based on their Lemmy instance. Those folks can eat a bag of dicks!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
If it’s anything like my brothers family they’ll be the first ones in line for food and the first ones to leave too.
puts his personal Bible on the table at family gatherings
looks back at it every now and again to see if anyone notices it
…I know the type. We have one or two.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Thankfully the family tankie does seem to have grown out of it by now, but they’re out there in other families, your experiences don’t define everyone else’s.
But again all of this is besides the point, your claim that “there’s only one group” is factually incorrect.
Bye indeed.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
thats a buff uncle = bufuncle
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
your experiences don’t define everyone else’s.
If you closely read my words you’ll find I didn’t say they did.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What’s the end game though? We have to find some way to communicate with and turn the Trump voters if we ever want any chance of moving past this shitshow.
And just because you personally are not calling for their death doesn’t change just how fucking many people I’ve seen on Lemmy and elsewhere online openly call for it.
I see barely anyone willing to aknowledge the fact that roughly half the country voted for Trump. That can’t be ignored and the general sentiment I see is that the Trump voters need to be eliminated or otherwise disallowed to vote, rather than any serious attempts to figure out what can be done.
Self righteousness may be cathartic, but it doesn’t do anything for finding a fucking solution for this shit show.
[email protected]replied to ObliviousEnlightenment last edited by
If you somehow think that those idiots are going to just magically disappear and we’ll suddenly be able to vote all the right people in without making any attempts to engage with and turn them, that makes you an idiot too.
Self righteous elitism is cathartic but does nothing to move any of us towards a better future. Nine times out of ten when I bring this up, people ignore it or suggest we somehow get rid of the Trump voters.
Are you kidding me? No one is really that stupid. We all know what the red hats in the second panel are supposed to be.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I’m familiar. I don’t know how anyone on Lemmy would not be familiar with it by this point as it’s one of the main go to justifications people use for treating others like shit.
An astoundlingly important quote from that very Wikipedia article you linked:
In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise.
(Emphasis mine)
I’ll also point you at Daryl Davis, a black musician who managed to turn multiple KKK members by simply engaging with them as human beings.
My whole point being that when roughly half of the country voted for Trump, it is an absolutely insane idea to just decide it’s ok to treat all of them intolerantly and also expect things to just magically change for the better. Feels like I’m taking crazy pills when everyone tries to self righteously justify not making any fucking attempt to reach these people and turn them.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I see barely anyone willing to aknowledge the fact that roughly half the country voted for Trump.
Half of voters who voted, not half the country. That’s a pretty big difference.
We have to find some way to communicate with and turn the Trump voters if we ever want any chance of moving past this shitshow.
I’ve been trying to do that for eight years. As have most of those of us not in the cult. When does it get to be “on them”, you know, the party of personal responsibility? Why is it always on us to mollycoddle them? I’m fucking done.
Self righteousness may be cathartic, but it doesn’t do anything for finding a fucking solution for this shit show.
My solution is that no Republican gets one ounce of interaction with me that I’m not legally or contractually obligated to give them. My maga relatives will get the degree of courtesy and interaction required by our relative positions within the family and geographic proximity.
Maga service providers or vendors will get none of my money if they make me aware of their alliances, which most of them are very happy to do.
The only remaining endgame is riding out the four years of shit they have handed us, hoping we actually get another election, and going to my grave without voting for a Republican or conservative for anything.
I’m beyond done with these selfish(edit - and hateful) assholes.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Bro thought he could speak freely here lmao
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I must have missed something if every single Trump voter was out there marching with the ones carrying the nazi flag. Maybe I should get my eyes checked, as I sure didn’t see tens of millions of people in those photos.
Stop misusing literally.
I understand what you’re getting at, but I vehemently disagree that guilt by association can be reasonably applied to the entirety of a group this fucking large. Has the same feel to me as being distrustful of every person with dark skin because of skewed crime statistics.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Attitude like this would make the problem worse, this is not how they see it and if they were to see this comic, it would push them away more.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
And by the way, I appreciate your kinder gentle approach.
Although I’m just going full “these people will receive nothing from me”, and I have no intent to consider any other approach, yours is the healthier way no doubt.