Preventing child sex abuse must involve treating pedophiles, even past offenders, say experts - CBC Radio
Pedophiles will always exist. It’s the unfortunate truth. But if we can reduce the amount if children subjected to sexual assault or rape then we should absolutely explore it. That’s what this article is about. Removing the stigma for treatments that you accurately described as a barrier. How successful this approach is remains to be seen. But it’s a worthy and sound discussion to have. And who knows, if it kicks off maybe we can even have people treat it before they actually hurt a child. It’s a big maybe and will not happen for long time but we can try and make steps towards that goal.
There are more extreme methods such as chemical castration, sure. But that has its drawbacks as I mentioned in my comment above.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Molesting a kid is molesting a kid, your motives don’t really change what happened. It is just as wrong regardless if it was out of convenience or premeditated. If you’re willing to molest a child, you are a pedophile.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I’m assuming some kind of anonymity was involved in gathering the statistics. In court the incentives to lie are pretty different.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Definitionally no, which we actually covered in some detail already here.
If you want to judge just by actions, that’s fair, and that’s the current approach. You do leave some prevention on the table, though, and you still have the “what to do with them now” problem.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I think there are ways to psychologically assess an individual, so there’s no need to rely on self reporting.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
There are not. Not that I’ve ever heard of, anyway.
There’s genital arousal monitors that have been used historically, but it turns out they’re as good as random chance in practice.
Not sure how your systems work in Canada but within US we are unable to provide social services to the more deserving people.
I don't see how this position within current socio economic conditions is viable.
Serial pedos gonna need to be disposed of.
The issue is that current regime protects them because they are in position of relative power like catholic clergy, teachers, political whores or just rich...
These people don't want even get in trouble for their deeds.
Family members get protected by the family a lot of times too lol
So you’re on the “gas them” side, then. One issue there is that it’s against agreed to human rights principles, so we’ll either need to reconsider those, or come up with a consistent way of dismissing them (like we have in warfare). There’s also the slippery slope argument - maybe it’s pedos today, but what about normal killers, and then people who steal from charities and the vulnerable, and eventually just normal people we don’t like.
As for the politics: Lots of them are ordinary or poor. The vast majority, even. Hopefully you’re not on the QAnon thing.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Pedophiles are pretty much the most hated group in society.
Not so. Some of them are lauded and widely admired by the populace as heads of congregations.
I mean, the priesthood is “club med” for pedophiles.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Only as long as they can plausibly deny it.
Jerkface (any/all)replied to [email protected] last edited by
Most pedophiles are not child molesters. Most people who have sexually abused children are not pedophiles. Watch out for unconscious ableism.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Oh, then I guess the only possibility is detabuisation. Those people need to know they will be treated, not persecuted in a super harsh way. Then they won’t be afraid to selfreport and we will know, whether we work with a pedo or a predator, and we can addjust the way we work with them accordingly.
Jerkface (any/all)replied to [email protected] last edited by
If you’re willing to molest a child, you are a pedophile.
“It would be ideologically incompatible for me to acknowledge that words have meaning and nuance. I must hate as hard as I can to prove that I don’t diddle children.”
Jerkface (any/all)replied to [email protected] last edited by
Do people generally need treatment not to rape everyone they are attracted to? I guess I’m special that way. I’m into all sorts of (adult) people and I’ve never had the impulse to rape any of them.
It’s not that weird that pedophiles don’t abuse children. We all manage our sexual feelings.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I think both denfitionally and opportunistic child molesters should be treated the same, probably with some kind of sentencing and therapy/rehabilitation. Regardless if it is fetish or not, just the fact they’d touch a kid makes their actions wrong. I also fear if we seperate them too much, normal pedophiles might be able to avoid sentencing/treatment by arguing they were oppourtunistic and vice versa, depending which group is set to face harsher punishments.
Plus, the opportunistic ones may still have some kind of rape/molestation fantasies, which could be treated through similar processes as treating pedophiles.
I just don’t see the value in making hard lines between the two groups when the actions they do are the same and carry the same harm, just the motives are different.