what i want is a grocery store that doesn’t decide to randomly put things on endcaps, completely removed from rhe existing allegedly-logical arrangement of goods on the shelves
what i want is a grocery store that doesn’t decide to randomly put things on endcaps, completely removed from rhe existing allegedly-logical arrangement of goods on the shelves
Nicolas Wardreplied to liz ten eleven :tacobelllabs: last edited by
@selectric I have strong opinions about my critical ingredients being spread across different sections instead of like with like. I guess enough people cook one cuisine it's worthwhile to group still?
liz ten eleven :tacobelllabs:replied to Nicolas Ward last edited by
@ultranurd i guess! it's frustrating as all hell to me. the entire concept of the "international" aisle needs some serious reconsideration
Jason Beckerreplied to liz ten eleven :tacobelllabs: last edited by
@selectric @ultranurd we could be teaching people how to cook with the way we lay out stores. I want my sections to be like “cooking liquids” organized by “umami/salty”, “sweet”, “sour/acidic”, and “heat/spicy”. Then a sauces section organized the same. Then all dried grains together— why the fuck are rice and pasta and oatmeal not together? Etc.
@selectric @ultranurd every section of a grocery story should have the item you’re looking for right next to something that could be an interesting and creative substitution.
@jsonbecker @selectric I assume some of it is that the incentives aren't aligned for one to buy the things you need quickly; they want dwell time, impulse purchases, aimless wandering in the Mists of Ravenloft, etc.