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A place to talk about whatever you want

3.8k Topics 23.2k Posts
  • Issues with 0.5.1

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    @Ted does it? 😛

  • Open Source Cloudflare...

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    Seems like it could be interesting for those that want Cloudflare with Websockets, but without the price.

    Link Preview Image Page not found · GitHub Pages




    CloudFIRE is a full stack for delivering web apps. It uses NGINX as the web server, and extends it with lots of custom Lua code. The Lua code runs inside the memory of the Nginx workers, and provides the following services:
    •Fake browser detection and blocking
    •Basic session cookies
    •Websocket fan-out / message passing
    •Content cache from redis and/or disk
    •Generalized virtual hosting: a single IP can host many domains
    •Technologies: Nginx, Lua, Redis, OpenResty, Websockets, FastCGI, Python, Flask, FreeBSD.

    It can serve static content directly, dynamic content via FastCGI, and also serve cached content from Redis.
    Learn more at CloudFIRE on Github

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thank you for your note, @julian
    I acctually found what I were need.
    Adding an appropriate string to config.json - solved my problem.

    "": { "address": "" }

    Thus websocket will use port 8000 on establishing the connection.
    One of openshift's bottleneck, that held me up.
    Done 🙂

  • Setup script: MongoDb connection

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    As @pitaj mentions, invoking sudo with NodeBB is bound to bring you trouble 😄 -- no need for superuser privileges for NodeBB, and I'm thinking of having NodeBB run as the nobody user, if possible...

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    We just removed it from the ACP, it can be put in config.json now in a block.

    404 Not Found



  • Problem Nodebb on Windows Server ( SHIT )

    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    I did Restart of my Nodebb Forum and now don't work the Panel of Admin.
    I have this Plugins :

    O.S : Windows Server 2012
    Nodebb Version : 0.6.0

  • Hi, google recaptcha issue..

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    I had the same issue with the latest version of everything. I gave up and reinstalled and it works now.

    Link Preview Image Spam be gone plugin.

    Error on NodeBB 1.1.1


    NodeBB Community (

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @pitaj said:

    @Master-Antonio add your domain in the config.json file which sits in the NodeBB main directory.

    Did, but don't work.

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    While browsing the 'net, I found a neat little IETF draft standard called JWT (JSON Web Tokens).

    Basically, the idea is that instead of having sessions on the server and a cookie to match a HTTP request to one of those sessions, one or more claims (i.e. user ID or admin status) are stored in a JSON object which is then signed by the server. (currently through either HMAC, RSA or ECDSA)
    The client then stores this in usually either localStorage or sessionStorage and sends it along in an HTTP header with any request requiring authorization.

    For example:

    client logs in with username "Example" and password "password" server if user and password match, issue a JWT containing the payload { 'userId': 47 } and send it to the client client stores the JWT in sessionStorage (later) client creates a new topic and sends the JWT along in the Authorization HTTP header server validates the signature in the JWT from the Authorization header with their own secret/key and if it's OK, uses the data from the JWT in the processing of the request
    (in this case, the userID of 47 is used as creator of the topic)

    Pros of JWT:

    The server doesn't need to store sessions!
    => less load on the server
    & no shared session store is needed when scaling horizontally as long as all instances share a secret or public/private keypair No cookies => no CSRF!


    XSS becomes more dangerous - any malicious script with access to the client's localStorage or sessionStorage for a site can fully impersonate the user until the token expires or is deletes

    There might be more cons & pros, I am neither good nor experienced enough to fully understand everything 😛

    ("everything" is a lot though, I do have trouble with way less than that 😒 anyway, don't take my words for granted, do your own research, etc. etc. you know the drill 😛 )

    Some links:

    General introduction: Slightly more detailed introduction with INFOGRAPHICS(ish): Web-based token decoder: Express middleware:
  • how to creating post via nodebb apis?

    1 Votes
    1 Posts

    is there any static nodebb api that create post?

  • Sorting sticky topics

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @a_5mith said:

    Think they're arranged by last post By default. They probably should just stick in the order they're stuck though. Feature request maybe.

    I think it needs to be changed by admin on settings.

  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
  • This topic is deleted!

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  • 0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @Mega as @Schamper said, I only discovered this last week, so we use require.parent.parent/etc for everything, but require.main works just as well.

    Keep in mind require.main's "scope" is app.js, so you'd have to do require.main.require('./src/groups.js'); if you want access to the groups lib.

    require.main will always be app.js for plugins, since plugins are only called by NodeBB.

  • My site was there --- and then was gone

    0 Votes
    38 Posts

    @birch said:

    I had installed using the Installing NodeBB for Dummies.
    the whole thing is a huge learning curve for me 🙂

    It's perfectly fine to be learning as you go. It's one of the best ways to pick up experience, and interact with content to learn exactly what things do.

    It appears as if you're using an outdated guide on @psychobunny's blog. While it is designed for installing at Digital Ocean, it was written for an old version of the platform, and it only installs using Ubuntu. f you're setting up an Ubuntu droplet, I must insist that you ignore everything written in the NodeBB for Dummies guide, and take a look at the specific installation instructions for installing NodeBB on Ubuntu.

    While the guide does an excellent job of going in-depth, the OS-specific installation instructions are what you'll need to set up a new forum/droplet.

    With that being said, there's a few tips for working with NodeBB as a beginner. When installing plugins or using npm from the command-line, you will lines that begin with WARN, as you have already noticed. These are usually harmless, and can often be ignored. However as you've since discovered when something says ERROR you've got a problem 😉

    It looks like you've gotten some misinformation from your friend. There's no need to install PM2, or forever. Previously, there was a need as the NodeBB loader wouldn't restart the software if it went offline. With the recent versions (0.5.x or 0.6.x, I can't remember) NodeBB has the ability to restart itself when necessary. However, this doesn't mean it will detect an issue and attempt to correct it, it simply restarts NodeBB and the forum comes back up - unless there's a configuration error which prevents a component from functioning. It appears as if you've encountered this already.

    When starting NodeBB, there's a few commands you can use.

    ./nodebb start Starts your forum in "production". If you go down, it'll restart itself. ./nodebb stop If NodeBB is running, this takes your forum offline. ./nodebb log This can only be ran after ./nodebb start. This shows what's going on in your terminal. ./nodebb dev Starts NodeBB in "development". This basically combines ./nodebb start and ./nodebb log. The forum only stays online as long as the dev command is operational. If you hit ctrl+c to end the console output, you also power off the forum. This is great for doing a quick test, and seeing what happens as you make changes. ./nodebb restart Restarts your forum. Pretty explanatory 😉 ./nodebb reset has a few uses. ./nodebb reset plugins Resets all plugins to their default settings ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-brokenplugin" Resets a single plguin to it's default setting ./nodebb reset widgets Resets widgets. Items are moved to the draft zone. (Not deleted, just disabled) ./nodebb reset themes Resets themes. Undoes alterations (I think - could be wrong on this) and reverts it to the original items. ./nodebb reset all Resets all of the above.

    Now that you're familiar with these commands, working with NodeBB in the command-line should be a little simpler. In order to work with NodeBB using these commands, you will have to have navigated to the folder where you installed NodeBB.

    I've noticed that you're trying to use a password with redis, but there's not a redis password required. In order to use a redis password, you need to edit your redis configuration to requirepass. You could do this through the terminal, but if you're new to working with a VPS I'd just recommend downloading the config through SFTP, editing it, reuploading it to overwrite the original file, and then restarting the redis-server service.

    Let's have a quick chat about installing plugins. Since you're new to NodeBB, until we can get you up and running for at least one week straight, I'm going to have to ask that you do not install a plugin using npm install nodebb-plugin-pluginname or npm i nodebb-plugin-pluginname

    You can install NodeBB plugins (and edit their configuration) in the Admin panel.

    So for now, you've got an issue with nodebb-plugin-emailer-mandrill

    As stated, you need to run ./nodebb reset nodebb-plugin-emailer-mandrilland then ./nodebb start

    If you want to start fresh, I'm working on a blog post that's updated and may be able to help.

  • Admin control panel not working

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Nguyen-Nga That particular problem is due to a query we want to run against being unavailable in the latest version. It presents when used in a clustering setup, and the latest changes to NodeBB always have clustering active (even in a cluster setup of 1 process), so in the meantime it is difficult to get the data in question. This is why those graphs are not working at the moment.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts


    Thanks for the tip. It seems to have converted the config to a different format (ie: instead of base_url it now uses url) and it's working. Seems odd that everything would fail all of a sudden without any changes.

    @psychobunny @julian

    Is there some kind of automatic update in v0.5 that is outside of normal nodebb operation?

  • Different appearance across browser platforms

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @RazorAxis the only thing I can think of is that some CSS style aren't being recognized by Firefox and IE for whatever theme you're using. I wouldn't expect this to happen though, since we're using bootstrap.

  • Wait, so is v0.6.0 released?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Should make some more noise when you update an amazing piece of software such as NodeBB 👍

  • Column Width

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    The sm-3 or 4 did not change the tablet in vertical but at least it now changes in horizontal. Gus that will have to do for now. Thank you for the help @yariplus